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Weddings & Celebrations

Your special day! From huge parties to small receptions – celebrate with us in our Gründerzeit villa, with magnificent gardens and an extensive jetty at lake Großer Wannsee. We would be happy to give you a tour of our guest house.

© Daniel Wetzel

Our guest house for your event

Everything's just right: the architecture and furnishings, the location and surroundings. Our hospitable service team will definitely convince you.

When planning and preparing your celebration, we will of course be happy to support you every step of the way. From the table decorations to the festive flower arrangements, from the wedding cake to the right wedding speaker... we have a lot of experience and very good contacts.

We're looking forward to make your hopes and ideas a reality.
Just make a whish!

© Daniel Wetzel

Our guest house for your event

Everything's just right: the architecture and furnishings, the location and surroundings. Our hospitable service team will definitely convince you.

When planning and preparing your celebration, we will of course be happy to support you every step of the way. From the table decorations to the festive flower arrangements, from the wedding cake to the right wedding speaker... we have a lot of experience and very good contacts.

We're looking forward to make your hopes and ideas a reality.
Just make a whish!

Creating Memories

Whether it's a birthday or anniversary, wedding, christening or confirmation: we ensure the right atmosphere for your special event. And of course everything according to your wishes.

Whether festive or dignified, business or private: we will create a harmonious arrangement for your event. A classic table is of course just as possible as a stylish standing banquet. And whatever you decide:

Your celebration is possible with us both inside and outside, directly on the Wannsee shore.

© Stefanie Lange

© Stefanie Lange

Creating Memories

Whether it's a birthday or anniversary, wedding, christening or confirmation: we ensure the right atmosphere for your special event. And of course everything according to your wishes.

Whether festive or dignified, business or private: we will create a harmonious arrangement for your event. A classic table is of course just as possible as a stylish standing banquet. And whatever you decide:

Your celebration is possible with us both inside and outside, directly on the Wannsee shore.

© Gerald Schmidt

© Gerald Schmidt

© Gerald Schmidt

Buffet or menu

Of course, our kitchen is geared entirely to your wishes. However, we are also happy to support you with our in-house culinary suggestions.

Because whether it's a multi-course menu or a buffet, whether fish, meat or vegetarian specialties: our chefs are extremely versatile.

We wish you a good appetite!

© Gerald Schmidt

© Gerald Schmidt

© Gerald Schmidt

Buffet or menu

Of course, our kitchen is geared entirely to your wishes. However, we are also happy to support you with our in-house culinary suggestions.

Because whether it's a multi-course menu or a buffet, whether fish, meat or vegetarian specialties: our chefs are extremely versatile.

We wish you a good appetite!

Where would you like to be seated?

Of course there are many different ways to prepare our premises, our summer terrace or seating and tables on the shore of Lake Wannsee. Just talk to us. We're happy to advise you.

•    On the banks of lake Wannsee: Wine Reception 
•    Banqet: 86 people
•    Dining table: 40 people
•    Terrace: upon request
•    Standing reception: upon request

© Daniel Wetzel

© Daniel Wetzel

Where would you like to be seated?

Of course there are many different ways to prepare our premises, our summer terrace or seating and tables on the shore of Lake Wannsee. Just talk to us. We're happy to advise you.

•    On the banks of lake Wannsee: Wine Reception 
•    Banqet: 86 people
•    Dining table: 40 people
•    Terrace: upon request
•    Standing reception: upon request

What our guests have to say...

»Many wonderful memories…«

The great location and the beautiful property would be worthless without the involvement of your staff, who provided for and looked after us with a high level of service, friendliness and above all zero hassle. We felt less like guests and more like real hosts at Blumenfisch. Everything was so exceptionally organised by you and your team.

Silke Rohwer and Jörg Budde

»Haute cuisine dining«

Blumenfisch had already been strongly recommended to us by friends, so we came to your guest house with high expectations. Nevertheless, you exceeded all of them!

Bridal couple summer 2015

»Raise a glass to yourselves!«

The day was just wonderful, everything was perfectly prepared and we couldn’t have imagined a more beautiful location. You’ve certainly made many fans among our guests and we hope to celebrate at Blumenfisch again very soon.

Stefanie Schattmann and Paul Hommes


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